Wednesday 31 August 2011

Thoughts on Readings from Weeks 2 and 3

The first reading which was by Howard Morphy, "Foundations: art, religion and the Dreaming", I thought was really interesting to read about, and to actually find out more about the Aboriginal's Dreamings, and their meanings.
As I've never really learnt much about the Aboriginal religion before now, I was fascinated to read about it and find out how the Aboriginal's Dreaming or how their religion envisioned the beginning of everything. The idea that Ancestral beings began to emerge from within the earth and shape the world I think is rather poetic, their actions having consequences on the formation of the landscape, as well as many other such things.
For the Aboriginals to be able to have a direct contact with their ancestors through painting their bodies and rocks as well as through making sculptures and ceremonial grounds I think is pretty miraculous. I also think that having a religion more so based on the land and the regeneration of it would be more meaningful.

I had found the reading on Destiny Deacon, titled "Destiny Deacon" to be really interesting, and although her photographs often have a humour in them, it is obvious that there is also about colonialism, racism, violence and inequality in these pieces. I think having these works presented in a contemporary manner and using a medium such and photography would really get a younger audience and would perhaps be able to give them a better understanding of these issues. I think Destiny Deacon's photographs are something that i would at some point in my life like to see in person to be able to fully experience her work.

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